Homes that meet local needs
We want housing to be affordable, varied, and flexible - so that we can offer
the right type of home to the people who live in Central Bedfordshire.
Central Bedfordshire Council could play an increasingly direct role in housing provision; this could give greater influence over affordability, speed of build, phasing, design, and ensure that the required infrastructure is in place.
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) provide a range of off-site manufacturing techniques that can improve the speed, cost and quality of new homes.
New communities must be built as high quality, holistic places with a range of homes to suit all needs. Ensuring design reflects best practice, such as the Town and Country Planning Association’s Garden City Principles, can ensure development offers mixed-tenure homes and housing types that are genuinely affordable.
If left unaddressed, unaffordable housing can result in significant issues of displacement and additional strain on benefit resources. It can also lead to skills shortages, as key workers are forced to live elsewhere.
Reduced affordable housing and home ownership means more innovative and secure prospects for renting are required. These must still support the potential to achieve home ownership where desired.
The construction sector is heavily reliant on net migration with local labour shortages. More stringent controls on migration will potentially result in a need to feel skills gaps locally.
Average house prices
Average house prices in Central Bedfordshire have risen by 16.7% since 2006 - to a current average of £327,732. A mortgage for the average house value in Central Bedfordshire is unattainable for many when compared with average earnings.
Affordable housing
Affordable housing provision in Central Bedfordshire has fallen from 34% of all net additional homes in 2012 from to 14% in 2017.
Household size
Average household size is declining - it is currently estimated to decline to 2.32 people per household by 2031 (from 2.43 today) from 45% in 2000).
What we heard
“Make sure there are different kinds of housing for different people – for example plenty of flats for younger people and housing for older people”
“Houses prices are going up all the time...It will drive out residents and young people.”
“New development should be designed with health, social interaction and the environment in mind - not just housing numbers.”