Feedback - what we heard
You can read all of the insight and feedback received through the development of the Vision in this report. Alternatively, you can read the full Vision document (PDF).
A summary of the feedback from key groups is provided below.
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Throughout the process a group of stakeholders, representing a broad cross section of interested groups have been invited to a series of facilitated workshops.
The first workshop allowed us to explore the here and now, while the second workshop introduced industry leading Futurologists to help us broaden our minds when considering some of the changes that may impact us. The third workshop began to synthesise all that had been recorded and what opportunities and challenges this may present as we move towards 2050.
What have we heard?
Climate resilience is critical, and the environment of Central Bedfordshire is at the heart of its identity
Connectivity between all settlements including towns and villages must be addressed
Mental and physical well-being is central to developing strong communities
Lifelong learning is important to ensuring older people continue to play an active role in an ever changing economy
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Young people
Young people will feel the impacts of this vision more than anyone - whether we get it right or wrong. It has been our duty to engage our young people early, not to second guess what they want for their futures but to hear directly from them.
Attending four school assembles, two school councils, an open evening, a visit to Central Bedfordshire College as well as hearing from those in attendance at our Youth Parliament and Children in Care Council, our outreach has been broad and across age groups.
What have we heard?
The future will hold advancements in technology: electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, green energy, robots
The ways we get around will change: active travel, public transport, flying..?
Crime and safety is an issue that needs addressing
The green agenda remains a top priority among many students, especially in lower schools
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Local businesses
Business Leaders from across Central Bedfordshire were invited to a workshop in July 2019 to discuss challenges and opportunities, and to explore ways a Vision for 2050 could strengthen Central Bedfordshire as a business environment and strategically position it within the wider region.
What have we heard?
The public sector must invest in infrastructure, in supporting SMEs, and in our visibility
Local business will benefit from a clear vision and leadership from the public sector to help position with customers and investors
Business would benefit from regular cross-sector meetings on the wider business interests of Central Bedfordshire
Key challenges to 2050 are a skills and training gap as well as the loss of existing skill to other regions, resulting in difficulties filling vacancies
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Partnerships and Forums
There is already a great breadth of people and organisations working across all sectors towards a better future for Central Bedfordshire.
We held a targeted, cross-sector Employment & Skills Event in July 2019, as well as meetings and workshops with Central Bedfordshire’s Health Transformation Board, Equality forum, Youth Council, Festival for Older People, Older People’s Network, Head Teachers and Governors, Children in Care Council, and Town and Parish Council Conference January 2020.
What have we heard?
Central Bedfordshire should be welcoming, accessible and inclusive to, and fulfilling for all
We need to work on creating a sense of community - both among existing residents and those living in new developments. This should be done through places as well as programmes
We need to protect and enhance Central Bedfordshire’s countryside and environment
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Local residents
Central Bedfordshire’s residents know our place best. They understand the challenges Central Bedfordshire faces today and to 2050, and the qualities that make it unique which need to be preserved and celebrated.
It is with this in mind that engaged in a variety of locations across Central Bedfordshire to speak with as many residents as possible about their hopes for the future.
What have we heard?
Central Bedfordshire Council needs to manage housing, population and business growth for the benefit of local people
We all need to protect our environment
We need to take advantage of our location and assets to be at the forefront of innovation and technology
We must ensure there are local opportunities for local people